Monday, October 3, 2011

Documentary Videos

Hey, it's been a while since I last posted anything. It's not because of lack of time actually, it's more on lack of friendly internet connection.. I am finally back home after being away for the last few months
Anyway, for my reopening statement, I want to tell you I am in the middle of organizing a documentary event consisting of 3 main events: competition, screening in, and screening out. So, in relation to that, I present to you the music video of 1, 2, 3, 4 by Plain White T's  (which is either documentary or scripted as documentary)

This is a notable post in the link, really really sweet and notable (by dorno03)

‎99669999996669999996699666699 666999966699666699 
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ok guys
1 select the first 9 number
2 hit Ctrl+f
3 hit 9

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